Friday, April 4, 2008

Speaking Engagement & Missed Opportunity

Well, the article in my home town paper already happened and, alas, is not online. How did I know? Not because the paper gave me a heads up. Must have slipped their mind. No, I got an email inviting me to a writing cooperative in my home town. The reader just skimmed and thought I was local. Anyhow, my plan, which I came up with too late, was to run my story that is set there (Chelan, WA) to coincide with the article. If someone from Chelan places a comment here, and asks nice, I still will. ;)

Just got four books delivered from SFBC. I suppose I better catch up on the ones I haven't read yet. >sigh< So, added to my every growing TBR shelf are: Orson Scott Card's Empire, Jasper Fforde's The Fourth Bear (Which means I have to get The Big Over Easy), Terry Pratchett's Going Postal (I read Making Money first- darn!) and Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys. Last week, I picked up these used: Humans and Hominids, both by Robert J. Sawyer and Starswarm by Jerry Pournelle, since I haven't read any of his solo novels. My husband has already devoured Humans and moved on to Hominids. Meantime, I'm reading Blackjack by Lee Singer. I'm also wedging in my Christmas present from one of my sons, the complete Kent Chronicles series by John Jakes. That's not SF, but well written and enjoyable. It starts with the American Revolution. And if that's not enough, I just ordered Rolling Thunder by John Varley, The Taken Trilogy by Alan Dean Foster and The Space Opera Renaissance, an anthology edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer.

My next speaking engagement is on April 13th. I'll be the guest speaker for a SF group in Santa Rosa. Here's the specifics. If you're local, come join us.

Press Release

Ann Wilkes talks about her new book, Awesome Lavratt, and about writing SF

Mysterious Future Bookstore
531 Fifth Street
(between Mendocino and B St.) Santa Rosa, CA 707/545-5828

Cost: None

Ann Wilkes, author of Awesome Lavratt has been published in several online magazines and two anthologies. Her latest book, Awesome Lavratt, is a tongue-in-cheek space opera filled with mind control, passion and adventure. Called “a fun romp” by Jack Skillingstead, whose stories have frequented the pages of Asimov’s Science Fiction.

Ann will also have books available for purchase and signing.

If you’d like to read her book before you come, you can find it online here: or pick it up at Mysterious Future Bookstore. Or email her from her website, and you can purchase a signed copy directly from her.

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